
Why Does He Abuse? Why Can He Abuse? Domestic Violence is Men's Responsibility, by Péter Szil


Fewer and fewer people continue to deny that violence against women and children is a serious social problem. It is also obvious that the reaction of Hungarian society falls behind the seriousness of this problem. This publication clarifies not only the basic concepts of domestic violence but also the prejudices and misconceptions around them.


Everyday Male Chauvinism: Intimate partner violence that is not called violence, by Luis Bonino and Péter Szil (with contribution from Gábor Kuszing)


Everyday male chauvinism is the form of intimate partner violence that is not called violence.


Male Violence: Writings about male violence against women, Gábor Kuszing and Péter Szil editors


This book contains four writings from men that wish to call attention to the fact that men have a responsibility in stopping violence against women and children. 


Patriarchal Violence - an attack on human security, by Gerd Johnsson-Latham


In this publication Gerd Johnsson-Latham clarifies the concept of patriarchal violence. Patriarchal violence is defined as violence against women, children, lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender persons, and violence committed in the name of honour. This is a report of the Swedish Government on patriarchal violence, part of which was translated under the EU’s Daphne project that provided the initial funding for the Stop-Male Violence Project.

For the publication in English, please visit the website of the Swedish Government here.

Integrated Client Service for Victims of Violence Against Women: The results of a pilot programme, by Júlia Spronz and Judit Wirth


Integrated client service takes into account the clients’ complex and interrelated needs for legal, psychological and social help. This publication presents the cases of the clients of such a service, and provides general and specific policy recommendations for professionals, legislators and law implementation authorities. This service was provided as part of a pilot project funded by the European Commission’s Daphne II. Programme and implemented by NANE Women’s Rights Association (NANE) and the Habeas Corpus Working Group (HCWG) in 2005.

But He Says He Loves Me, by Dina McMillan


To find out more about this book in English, please visit the original publisher's website.

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