Training on the gender-aware treatment of domestic violence

December 2005 to June 2006

NOTE: Registration for this training has been closed, the following is only for information.

Participants of the project

Professionals working, studying, finishing their studies in the field of

  1. psychology,
  2. social work,
  3. law,
  4. other similar areas.

Objectives of the training

  1. To provide theoretical and practical knowledge for male and female participants based on which participants become capable of treating domestic violence as primarily men’s violence.
  2. To train professionals who can serve as volunteers for HC’s information line operating from the summer of 2006. (The volunteers of this service will come from among the men participating in the training.)

The background of the training

The Daphne II Programme of the European Union supports projects that combat violence against children, young people and women and that protect victims and groups at risk, and it helps to transfer the theoretical and practical experiences accumulated in this area in other member states of the European Union. This training is part of a project supported by the Daphne Programme, that aims to lay down the foundations of a telephone service for violent men, in addition to informing the public and training professionals. This service primarily aims to ensure victims’ safety and contributes to combating and preventing domestic violence through promoting men’s taking responsibility for the violence. The training is led by international experts.

Trainer, training material

The training is held by Péter Szil psychoterapist.

More about the training curriculum

Péter Szil’s Why does he abuse? Whay can he abuse? Domestic violence is men’s responsibility provides a concise view of the theoretical background and fundamental principles of the training.

Volunteer work

Following the training, male participants who prove to be fit candidates will be provided the opportunity to do volunteer work at the information line for abusive men and, as a continuation of the training, to participate in a supervision group.

Although the majority of the participants of the training are women, we only wish to employ men at the information line. It is a precondition of combating domestic violence that men take action against male violence. Therefore it is an important element of the methodology of working with abusive men, that the professional should also be a man, who thus becomes a representative of a social change in behaviour. On the other hand, a male professional can effectively represent equality between men and women, as he would benefit from the privileges that men are given on the basis of their sex, just as the abuser does.